In an era where every click, swipe, and notification shapes our reality, we at 1&O have carved out a unique path. We are in a world where every ping could be a potential crisis or a meme, where comparisons are as frequent as morning coffees (we all know how many of those we need) and where the line between work and leisure blurs. But through it all, we’ve found ways to stay grounded, connected, and at peace (most of the times, except when there’s no coffee ).
Before the world wakes up to its notifications, we take a moment for ourselves. Meditation isn’t just an option; it’s a necessity. It’s our daily dose of mindfulness in an age of constant distractions. As J.K. Rowling wisely penned, “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” And with Headspace, we’ve learned the art of mindfulness and get to live in the present for those few moments every day. It’s our mind’s way of clearing the cache and cookies to start fresh.
Instant reactions are not our style. When faced with a curveball, be it a tricky situation or a sudden deadline, we take a step back, breathe, and approach situations with calm and clarity ( even when asked if the cloud storage will get heavy when it rains - because every question deserves a polite answer, no matter how... unique )
The digital age brought with it the myth of perpetual work. But at 1&O, we’ve debunked that. We understand the value of disconnecting, of setting boundaries. It’s not about working longer; it’s about working smarter. And sometimes, that means turning off to tune in better.
Every creator, at some point, faces the dreaded block. But instead of seeing it as a dead-end, we view it as a detour. A chance to explore, to pivot, to rediscover. When negative thoughts cloud our vision, we remember that it’s natural. Our defense mechanisms kick in, stress hormones are released, but we’ve learned to channel them. It’s about recognizing these emotions and letting them out, be it through writing, talking, or simply acknowledging them. As Dan Brown wisely said, “Sometimes a change of perspective is all it takes to see the light.”
The digital realm can sometimes feel isolating, but at 1&O, we’ve built a sanctuary. A place where respect reigns supreme, where every voice matters, and where camaraderie isn’t just a word but a way of life. We cherish our shared journey of growth, enjoying every twist and turn, and having fun in the process. We focus on the positives, providing constructive feedback, and when we love something, we aren’t shy about showering compliments. Think we’re just sweet-talking? Check out this experiment by IKEA
The digital world, with all its challenges and charms, is a journey. We’re no experts, but this is our story, our experience. If it helps even one person out there, our purpose is served. Because at the end of the day, it’s not just about reaching the destination; it’s about cherishing the journey and the people you share it with.